Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Roy Chun Lee attended the “Indonesia Night” hosted by the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office in Taipei, underscoring the government’s commitment to expanding mutual links.
Speaking at the event Nov. 22 in Taipei City, Lee said that Indonesia is Taiwan’s 13th largest trade partner, with a total bilateral trade volume of over US$14 billion in 2022. The deputy minister looked forward to deepening ties to uphold freedom, peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
In addition to a close economic bond, evidenced by Lee citing hopes to renew a bilateral investment agreement, Taiwan cooperates with Indonesia in agriculture, culture, education and trade. The two countries are both major Indo-Pacific democracies and handle challenges related to climate change, food security and maintaining supply chain resilience, Lee added.
In response, IETO representative Iqbal Shoffan Shofwan expressed his gratitude to Taiwan for assisting his country during the COVID-19 pandemic. He added that Taiwan would be a major partner in the Indonesia Vision 2045 due to its manufacturing and high-tech supply chains.
Indonesia is a major target country for the government’s New Southbound Policy and a top destination for Taiwan business and leisure travel. Currently, over 2,000 Taiwan businesses have created job opportunities for locals via investment in the southeast Asian state, while Taiwan is listed by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture as recommended for publicly funded students to study abroad. (POC-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw
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